Collaborate With Us
Voces has developed a highly-skilled workforce to help others in their own projects. We can provide training, project conceptualization, or even a start-to-finish package. In the past two years, we have helped interview the first Black undergraduates admitted to UT-Austin, Chicana/o student artists in Austin, Latinas/os who have opened doors for new generations. And under the Voces of a Pandemic, we shared our infrastructure with other institutions. Contact us at for details. If we can’t help you, we can point you to who can.
There were always people ready and willing to tell their stories because they knew the quality of the work that Dr. Maggie was producing was one that their family could be very proud of.
Our Services

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The Precursors' Oral History Project
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Our Involvement
This oral history project seeks to document the early Black undergraduate students who call themselves The Precursors, they opened the doors of the University of Texas. Their experiences and stories in their own words, expanding the official narratives and history of desegregation, integration, and Civil Rights through research and commemoration.
CMAS/Voces Collaborative Oral History Fellowship
Our Involvement
This initiative is intended for the researcher who wishes to fast-track their oral history work on a project about the Latina/o/x experience in the U.S. The interviews will follow protocols developed by the Voces Oral History Center. The Multiple Individual Interview Sessions (MIIS) methodology has been applied to various topics/populations to conduct up to 15 individual interviews over two days. The Fellow will lead a team of interviewers, helping to train them, developing a questionnaire, and then conducting three of the 15 interviews. CMAS/Voces will provide the Fellow with interview documentation, raw transcripts of the interviews, and access to copies of the interviews to facilitate research. Interviews will be conducted either in Austin or on location.
Voces of a Pandemic
From being overrepresented in essential jobs, to underrepresented among those with access to healthcare, to the undocumented living in fear, the global coronavirus pandemic has affected Latinas/os disproportionately.
As this crisis unfolds, the Voces Oral History Center is leading a team of collaborators including institutions of higher education across the country, to record, archive and disseminate interviews to help researchers, journalists and the broader public gain a greater appreciation of the experiences in the Latino community during this historic time.
Our Partners

Sponsors and Grants
National Endowment for the Humanities
Humanities Texas
Latino Studies at UT Austin